Books in English

Löwgren, Jonas and Bo Reimer (2013)
Collaborative media
Production, consumption, and design interventions
Cambridge: The MIT Press

Gibbins, John R. and Bo Reimer (1999)
The politics of postmodernity
An introduction to contemporary politics and culture
London: Sage

Reimer, Bo (1994)
The most common of practices
On mass media use in late modernity
Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International

Books in Swedish

Fornäs, Johan, Ulf Boëthius, Hillevi Ganetz and Bo Reimer (eds.) (1992)
Unga stilar och uttrycksformer (Young styles and forms of expression)
Stockholm: Symposion

Fornäs, Johan, Ulf Boëthius and Bo Reimer (eds.) (1993)
Ungdomar i skilda sfärer (Youth in different spheres)
Stockholm: Symposion

Fornäs, Johan, Ulf Boëthius, Michael Forsman, Hillevi Ganetz and Bo Reimer (eds.) (1994)
Ungdomskultur i Sverige (Youth culture in Sweden)
Stockholm: Symposion

Reimer, Bo (2002)
Uppspel: Den svenska TV-sportens historia (Replay: The history of sports on Swedish television)
Stockholm: Stiftelsen Etermedierna i Sverige

Recent articles in English

Cory, Erin and Bo Reimer (2023) “Echoes of the club: Affective materiality and vinyl records as boundary objects”, Riffs: Experimental Writing on Popular Music, 6(2): 57-65.

Lagerkvist, Amanda and Bo Reimer (2023) “Bothering the binaries: Unruly AI futures of hauntings and hope at the limit”, pp. 199-208 in Simon Lindgren (ed.): Handbook of Critical Studies of Artificial Intelligence. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Romic, Bojana and Bo Reimer (2022) “Artificial Creativity. Introduction to the Special Issue”, Transformations. Journal of Media, Culture & Technology, issue #36.

Henriksen, Line, Bo Reimer and Bojana Romic (2022). Lively Media Technologies: Ethics, Monsters and New Imaginaries for the Future. Paper presented at European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) Conference: Politics of Technoscientific Futures, Madrid, July 6-9, 2022.

Reimer, Bo (2021) “Tools for action. Media research as collaborative action research”, pp. 579-591 in Danny Burns, Jo Howard and Sonia M. Ospina (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Participatory Research. London: Sage.

Reimer, Bo (2018) “Transforming the Urban Environment: Media Interventions, Accountability and Agonism”, pp. 203-216 in Kirsten Ostherr (ed.), Applied Media Studies. New York: Routledge.

Reimer, Bo (2017) “Anthrophormism on Steroids. The New Human Symposium”,,